
A Ramped Up Kids Arena at PBE22
Where: Exhibit Hall E behind 3700 booths
When: All weekend!
Who: Kids accompanied by adults. Hosted by Early Childhood Mobility Coalition
What: The Kids Arena at the Philly Bike Expo takes a significant step up in 2022 with fun and educational activities under the management of the Early Childhood Mobility Coalition
Activities for children*, running all day Saturday and Sunday, include:
- Painting a variety of surfaces: faces, canvas, rocks
- Fun with balloons
- Foundation-level balance bike games, and higher skills including wheelie demos and instruction for kids ready to give it a go
- Introductions to bicycle parts and basic bike maintenance
*Parental presence is required.
Instructors from the League of American Bicyclists will be present to lead skills sessions, while Safe Routes to School representatives will present information and education for parents about childhood and parental readiness for cycling, as well as the suitability of the local community, schools and infrastructure.
Scheduled Programs include:
- Tinkering for Tots,
- Learn how to wheelie with DBLOCKS,
- Basic Bike Maintenance for Kids 8 – 80,
- Q&A with 13 year old bike repair tech wizard, Dom Pecora
The Early Childhood Mobility Coalition team looks forward to meeting you and your children at the Philly Bike Expo!

Keystone Bike Party
Saturday Oct. 29th, 7:30 PM
1800 N American St, Philadelphia, PA 19122
Beverages provided. Food for purchase.
Sponsored by Krypronite.

A Monumental Travesty: Vive Pierre Lallement!
Sunday Oct. 30th, 3:00 PM
Seminar Room 125 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by David Herlihy, author and historian

Bike Fit and the Myth of the Women’s Bike
Saturday Oct. 29th, 3:00 PM
Seminar Room 125 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Victoria Edwards, Befitting Bicycles
Expert biomechanic/bike fitter, Victoria Edwards of Befitting Bicycles, will explain the pitfalls of gendered bicycles, what brands can focus on, and how riders can combat this binary industry to get the most out of riding.

Bike Fitting: not just for bike racers
Sunday Oct. 30th, 3:00 PM
Seminar Room 123 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by:
Happy Freedman – Director, The Center for Bike Fit, New York City
Anne Barnes, Bike fitter, Chicago
Geoff Hull, Bike fitter, Savile Road Bicycles
Moderated by Dr. James Watkins MD.

Retracing the 1897 Expedition of the Buffalo Soldiers – Bicycle Corps
Sponsored by Niner Bikes
Presented by Erick Cedeño aka Bicycle Nomad
Sunday Oct. 30th, 10:30 AM
Seminar Room 125 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Riding the wave of popularity and utility sparked by the creation of the “safety bicycle,” The Bicycle Corps aka the Iron Riders were commissioned in 1892 by the U.S. Army with the purpose of traveling throughout the country, collecting geographic and topographic data, documenting road conditions, sources of supplies, and other information that could be useful to the military.
This summer Erick Cedeño, aka Bicycle Nomad , embarked on a journey to uplift the truth behind the monumental ride of the 25th Infantry Buffalo Soldier Bicycle Corps. On June 14th, 2022, Erick retraced the journey of the 20 Black soldiers that formed one of the four regiments known as Buffalo Soldiers in the U.S. Army. In 1897, the 25th Infantry was tasked with testing the feasibility of bicycles for military operations. 2022 marks the 125th anniversary of the Buffalo Soldiers’ 41-day, 1,900-mile bicycle expedition from Missoula, Montana, to St. Louis, Missouri. Erick used his ride as an opportunity to acknowledge the role Black soldiers played in our nation’s history by retracing their journey. Erick again used his bicycle as a conduit to another era, drawing upon curiosity and a desire to surface stories that have yet to be told.

Bike Fit U
Bike Fit U, the “free university” for Bike Fitters, hosted by the Philly Bike Expo, is scheduled to return this year, Saturday and Sunday, November October 29th & 30th. Now in its 4th edition and with its own name – Bike Fit U, was conceived as an education program to facilitate discussions for working bike fitters as both presenters and participants through presentations, panels, and breakout sessions. Founded by Happy Freedman and the Center for Bike Fit, this is a great opportunity to share expertise and findings with other bike fitters. This non-credit course offering is open to Philly Bike Expo attendees, at no additional charge. Bike fitters interested in presenting or attending are invited to submit outlines and requested topics via an online sign up at
About Happy Freedman
Happy Freedman is an innovator and internationally recognized expert in the field of bike fit. Building on his over thirty years of experience working in bike fit and related fields, Happy has been instrumental in developing the first hospital-based clinical bike fit program in North America, during his long tenure at Hospital for Special Surgery. He is a member of the advisory committee of IBFI, the International Bike Fit Institute, and frequently mentors bike fitters around the world, in person and remotely. He currently fits in private practice in New York City.

An in depth look at Shimano 12 speed Road groups.
Saturday October 29th and Sunday October 30th, 12:00 PM
Seminar Room 125 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Chris Denoma and Chris Yankopoulos (regional Shimano Technical Reps)
This presentation will go over several topics including: What is compatible across the platform. The difference between the groups, a demonstration of the Shimano E-Tube Project App- which enables on the fly wireless connectivity and customization, answers to frequently asked questions with the why’s and the how’s of Shimano 12 speed Road groups.

MTB history series – Origins and design evolution of the Mountain Bike: Part 3
Sunday Oct. 30th, 1:30 PM
Seminar Room 125 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Drew Guldalian, Engin Cycles and Gary Helfrich
Description TBA.

MTB history series – Origins and design evolution of the Mountain Bike: Part 2
Saturday Oct. 29th, 4:30 PM
Seminar Room 125 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Description TBA.

Ultra Romance Ted Talk
Sunday Oct. 30th, 1:30 PM
Seminar Room 124 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Ronnie Romance, Ultranicus
Topic TBD…..but you know you wanna hear it.

2022 International Women’s Day Together We Ride: A Ride for Equality, Inclusion and Positive Social Change.
Sunday Oct. 30th, 10:30 AM
Seminar Room 123 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Dawn Piech, Inspyrd Movement, Monica Garrison, Founder Black Girls Do Bike, Celeste Adams, Black Girls Do Bike SHERO: Chicago Chapter and Major Taylor Cycling Club Chicago.
Every March 8 is International Women’s Day. The first International Women’s Day was celebrated in 1911, eight years before the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote in the United States. It began to campaign for women’s rights around the world and has evolved into a day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It is a rally for worldwide gender equality. The theme this year was Break the Bias. Additionally, this year celebrated the 111th year of this impactful day that began in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.
Francis E. Willard, a nineteenth century leader of the women’s reform movement describes how, at fifty-three, she learned to ride a bicycle in her book A Wheel Within a Wheel: How I Learned to Ride the Bicycle, With Some Reflections by the Way, the best-selling book that chronicled her experiences. She stated, “A reform often advances most rapidly by indirection.” She had a popular “Do Everything!” slogan, which was meant to encourage women to lobby, petition, preach, educate, or generally do whatever it takes to change the world. Suffragettes like her, Susan B. Anthony and Kitty Knox recognized that the bicycle could give a woman a taste of freedom. For the first time, she could get farther than walking distance without a man to drive her, to get a horse ready, or without a chaperone breathing down her neck. Francis stated in her book “I also wanted to help women to a wider world, for I hold that the more interests women and men can have in common, in thought, word and deed, the happier it will be for the home.” She realized it’s about cultivating a sense of independence and freedom. It’s a feeling of going places in life. It’s about getting up after you fall, doing things that scare you, and always finding a new ride to challenge you.
This ride is for everyone to participate in. We would like to share this event with the Philadelphia Bike Expo community and invite everyone to participate in the fourth year in March 2023.

All About Disc Brakes
Saturday Oct. 29th, 4:30 PM
Seminar Room 123 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Ed Nasjleti – Retail Specialist, SRAM
Love them or not, you can’t leave them – disc brakes have become the industry standard on all types of bikes – MTB, gravel, cyclocross, road and city. Ed Nasjleti from SRAM components will address the technological advantages, features and proper care and maintenance of disc brakes. Embrace the current and future industry trend in this helpful seminar.

Yoga for Cyclists
Saturday October 29th and Sunday October 30th, 12:00 PM
Seminar Room 122A (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Ruchama Bilenky, Certified Yoga Instructor and Therapist
Bicycling utilizes parts of the body in ways that are different from standing, walking, running, or sitting. With today’s gas prices, more and more people are taking up cycling for transportation and commuting. Yoga can help the body, mind, and spirit cope with the stresses and strains imposed by cycling- by increasing concentration and circulation, building endurance and flexibility, and promoting over-all well-being. A Yoga for Cyclists workshop focuses on those areas of the body specific to cycling. You don’t have to be an experienced yogi or yogini to participate- beginners welcome!
Full yoga practice targeting areas of the body needing strength and recovery from cycling. Participate or observe. Please bring a mat if you are able. (We will have some available as well.)
Join Ruchama for her Heart of India tour and yoga retreat this winter!

Urban mobility, the e-bike boom, and what’s at stake – a graduate design thesis
Sunday Oct. 30th, 1:30 PM
Seminar Room 123 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Noah Wangerin
Urban mobility: Having mobility options serves the most needs within a population. Travelers highly value autonomy and flexibility. Historically, bicycles have been the most accessible fit for these needs.
The e-bike boom: Electric bikes improve accessibility in some ways. Consistent power is available to riders of all physical abilities. Maintaining urban traffic speeds makes car-centric infrastructure more usable for riders. But e-bikes also harm accessibility in other ways, namely cost, and maintenance.
What’s at stake: cities, communities, and people stand to gain or lose in this e-bike growth. Each has its part to play in responsibly bringing about this shift. We will look at potential solutions at municipal, industry, craft, and rider levels.
Context: 2022 Masters in Design thesis on urban mobility at the University of Illinois at Chicago,

Adaptive Cycling – Making Bikes Accessible For All
Sunday Oct. 30th, 3:00 PM
Seminar Room 124 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Daniel Horne, Maverick’s Square Adaptive Cyclery
In this seminar, we will be discussing ways of adapting bikes to suit riders with disabilities, and how nearly any bike shop can accommodate exceptional riders.

Bicycle Geometry for the Designer and Rider
Saturday Oct. 29th, 4:30 PM
Seminar Room 124 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Peter Verdone
This will be an in depth discussion of the main geometric and rider interaction concepts that a bicycle designer and rider should understand.
The discussion will be referring to modern understandings of design rather than historic dogma.
Demonstration models will be manipulated in BikeCAD software for ease of understanding.
This lecture builds on the 2021 PBE lecture on Modern Bicycle Design and Engineering (

Sunday Oct. 30th, 10:30 AM
Seminar Room 124 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
- Ed Chang, Co-Owner and COO of Varlo Sports
- Reggie Waller, USA Triathlon Level 2 Certified Coach and RRCA Endurance Running Coach
- Andrea Berger, Aquatics Operations Director at the Fitness Alive Pools, and Open Water Swim Coach at ETA Coach
- Kathleen Medley, PBE Squad Member and All-American USAT Duathlete
- Saadiq Stewart, member of Tri Dawgs Multi Sport and a founding member of KRT Cycling
Thinking about dipping your toe into multisport? Join our panel of distinguished USA Triathlon and USA Swimming Certified Coaches and experienced multi-sport athletes for a no-stress chat to discuss how to train for your first duathlon or triathlon.
Join us for an open discussion, and bring all of your questions. No question is too small or too big! We are here to support and empower you in conquering your goals of tomorrow!
Topics will include:
- Hear the journeys of our diverse panel of multisport athletes.
- Training advice for the swim, bike and run. How do you balance training between the different sports?
- Never swam before? How to go from donuts to a sprint distance swim (~400m)
- Avoiding over-training and preventing injury.
- How to prepare for race day including what to pack and what to wear.
- Tips on gear you truly need.
- Advice on the best local races, training groups and resources.
- Open Q&A — no question is too small or big, ask away!

We roll on two wheels – latest tech and old school wisdom
Sunday Oct. 30th, 12:00 PM
Seminar Room 123 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Ricky Muehl, AKA @shaquille_owheel_official, Industry Nine
Loren Mason-Gere, Rolf Prima Wheel Systems / Astral Cycling
Chris McCown, Excitement Wheelworks
Moderated by Bill Mould
Please join us for an informative discussion about bicycle wheels: how they work, and how they are built. Learn about the similarities and differences of wheels designed for varying purposes. We have assembled a panel of experienced wheel builders who will discuss these incredible structures and answer your questions. The seminar will be moderated by Bill Mould, noted author, teacher, and builder of thousands of wheels using bedrock principles of physics and engineering.

Advancing Access for All: DCNR’s E-bike Policy
Sunday Oct. 30th, 12:00 PM
Seminar Room 124 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Nicole Faraguna, Director of Policy and Planning
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
DCNR unveiled its e-bike Policy in August 2022. E-bikes have been growing increasingly popular over the past several years, worldwide and here in the United States, as technology and functionality improves and prices decrease. E-bikes may offer people opportunities to expand their outdoor recreational access and even serve as a primary mode of transportation for those interested in a healthier, more environmentally-friendly lifestyle. This session will provide an overview of DCNR’s draft e-bike policy, background on the technology and industry, and what the new policy means for DCNR lands and trails.

Cycling inclusivity and diversity: How can cycling bring us together?
Saturday Oct. 29th, 12:00 PM
Seminar Room 124 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Malaku Mekonnen, Bicycle Coalition Youth Cycling Program Manager; Habib Faye, BCYC Program Coordinator; Joe Piscitello, Piscitello Law
Cycling is a wonderful sport that is enjoyed by people all over the world but is cycling as all inclusive as you think, is everyone accepted and welcomed? As young cyclists of color who cycle for enjoyment, adventure and exercise as a positive outlet, How do they feel they are accepted in the cycling community? What are their viewpoints and experiences that they’ve had along their journeys in cycling?

Coaching 101- How recreational athletes and elite competitors can benefit from a structured training plan.
Saturday Oct. 29th, 1:30 PM
Seminar Room 125 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by
Jerry Jacobs, Owner / Coach VeloJawn Coaching
Rick Sorensen, Coach VeloJawn Coaching
Jahiem Williams, Coached Athlete Bicycle Coalition Youth Cycling (BCYC) and Coach (BCYC)
The seminar is intended for any level cyclist that is seeking to improve general heath or performance on the bike. We will cover; 1) how to pick the right coach for your needs, 2) demonstrate how a training plan will work and show some “go to” workouts for each level cyclist, and 3) the most common mistakes that cyclists make in their training and how to avoid these.

MTB history series – Origins and design evolution of the Mountain Bike: Part 1
Saturday Oct. 29th, 10:30 AM
Seminar Room 125 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Tasshi Dennis
A visual presentation of how the modern mountain bike can trace it’s roots to road bikes, BMX bikes, motorcycles, touring bikes, and klunkers.

Concours de Machines / MACHINE’S CONTEST
Saturday Oct. 29th, 1:30 PM
Seminar Room 123 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Marek Parajka, Arko Bici
The aim of the Concours de Machines is to promote the design and manufacturing of handmade bicycles, by inviting framebuilders to challenge and imagine the multiple uses of the bicycle, in order to foster its’ further evolution.
I’ll bring special bicycle to PBE 2022 built according to the rules on CDM.
I am two times attendant, 2017 – Randonneur event and 2021 – mountain adventure.

Bosch eBike Systems
Saturday Oct. 29th, 3:00 PM
Seminar Room 124 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Stephen Proffitt and Colby Weber, Bosch eBike Systems
Join Bosch eBike Systems as we explore all things eBikes. We’ll be sharing some of our newest releases in product and connectivity while answering all of your technical questions.
The hour will be dedicated to engaging with the dealers, consumers and industry members at the Philly Bike Expo. Colby Weber and Stephen “Phunky” Proffitt from Bosch spend their weeks teaching the Bosch Certification program to bicycle dealers across the country. We’ll be sharing a bit of our knowledge on various topics in the eBike space.

Know your Cycling Rights
Saturday Oct. 29th, 3:00 PM
Seminar Room 123 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Joe Piscitello, Piscitello Law
We will cover common bike versus car crashes; discuss the relevant laws and tips on how to avoid these crashes. Will also review role of auto insurance and what to do if you don’t have an auto policy. Lastly, we cover several state and national policies and trends that impact cycling safety. Please stop by!!

Riding Philly Streets
Saturday Oct. 29th, 10:30 AM
Seminar Room 124 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by John Allen, CyclingSavvy
Safe riding under urban conditions using CyclingSavvy techniques of lane position, lane use, and signaling.

Bikepacking our Backyard: Training and touring in the Philly region
Saturday Oct. 29th, 1:30 PM
Seminar Room 124 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by
Ruby Gertz – Volunteer with Radical Adventure Riders Philadelphia
Nick Marzano – Finisher 2022 Tour Divide
Woody Felice – Worker-owner, Keystone Bicycle Co.
Ryan Stanis – Worker-owner, Keystone Bicycle Co.
What overnights can you get to from your front door? What community and resources exist within our hometown? What did panelists have to consider as they prepared for bigger tours far from Philly, with different terrain or climates? Whether you’re looking for an overnight adventure, or ready to pack your bike on an international flight, this panel will share personal tips, ideas, and stories with a local perspective.

Is Steel the Greenest?
Saturday Oct. 29th, 12:00 PM
Seminar Room 123 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Martin Shepherd, Reynolds
Reynolds have undertaken a Environmental Impact. We would like to share the results and discuss environmental aspects of material choice for your next bike.

The secrets to better hill climbing
Saturday Oct. 29th, 10:30 AM
Seminar Room 123 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Brian Williams, Major Cycling
Teaching riders how to climb hills more efficiently without killing themselves. How mentally preparedness, gearing, bike fit, training, nutrition, what is physically happening to your body while climbing all plays a part in one’s ability to ascend inclines successfully.

Learn how to wheelie with DBLOCKS!
Saturday Oct. 29th, 3:00 PM
Kids Arena, Exhibit Hall E behind 3700 booths
Learn how to wheelie from the king of the streets, Darnell Meyers, aka Dblocks (@rrdblocks).

Ride for Racial Justice Q&A
Saturday Oct. 29th, 10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall Demo Area, Booth 1900
Presented by Ajoa Abrokwa & Oliviah Franke
Ride for Racial Justice is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and exists to ensure access to resources, education, and community for Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) cyclists and to dismantle systemic racism so that EVERYONE can feel safe, free, and empowered to ride a bicycle.
Join Ajoa and Oliviah for a Q&A about the project and their experience at SBT Gravel.

Bike Fitting Demo
Saturday Oct. 29th, 3:00 PM
Exhibit Hall Demo Area, Booth 1900
Presented by Happy Freedman, Director, The Center for Bike Fit

Bike Fit U
Bike Fit U, the “free university” for Bike Fitters, hosted by the Philly Bike Expo, is scheduled to return this year, Saturday and Sunday, November October 29th & 30th. Now in its 4th edition and with its own name – Bike Fit U, was conceived as an education program to facilitate discussions for working bike fitters as both presenters and participants through presentations, panels, and breakout sessions. Founded by Happy Freedman and the Center for Bike Fit, this is a great opportunity to share expertise and findings with other bike fitters. This non-credit course offering is open to Philly Bike Expo attendees, at no additional charge. Bike fitters interested in presenting or attending are invited to submit outlines and requested topics via an online sign up at
About Happy Freedman
Happy Freedman is an innovator and internationally recognized expert in the field of bike fit. Building on his over thirty years of experience working in bike fit and related fields, Happy has been instrumental in developing the first hospital-based clinical bike fit program in North America, during his long tenure at Hospital for Special Surgery. He is a member of the advisory committee of IBFI, the International Bike Fit Institute, and frequently mentors bike fitters around the world, in person and remotely. He currently fits in private practice in New York City.

An in depth look at Shimano 12 speed Road groups.
Saturday October 29th and Sunday October 30th, 12:00 PM
Seminar Room 125 (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Chris Denoma and Chris Yankopoulos (regional Shimano Technical Reps)
This presentation will go over several topics including: What is compatible across the platform. The difference between the groups, a demonstration of the Shimano E-Tube Project App- which enables on the fly wireless connectivity and customization, answers to frequently asked questions with the why’s and the how’s of Shimano 12 speed Road groups.

Meet my Rivendell Betty Foy – my daily drive : How to set up your bike for everyday use like your car
Saturday Oct. 29th, 1:30 PM
Exhibit Hall Demo Area, Booth 1900
Presented by Pamela Murray
Come see how Pam has set up her bike as she uses it every day for all trips, hauling, travel, bikepacking…She’ll show you how to use a rack, bags, straps to get just about anything home by bike.

SRAM Brakes – How to Properly Bleed the Bleeding Edge System
Saturday Oct. 29th, 12:00 PM & Sunday Oct. 30th, 10:30 AM
Exhibit Hall Demo Area, Booth 1900
Ed Nasjleti – Retail Specialist, SRAM
Brook Fowler – Road Communication Specialist, SRAM
This will be a live brake bleed with a current SRAM G2 brake. We will show how to shorten the line, How to prepare the tools, and how to correctly perform the brake bleed, and what needs to be cleaned up.

Yoga for Cyclists
Saturday October 29th and Sunday October 30th, 12:00 PM
Seminar Room 122A (Ground Level in hallway behind bike valet)
Presented by Ruchama Bilenky, Certified Yoga Instructor and Therapist
Bicycling utilizes parts of the body in ways that are different from standing, walking, running, or sitting. With today’s gas prices, more and more people are taking up cycling for transportation and commuting. Yoga can help the body, mind, and spirit cope with the stresses and strains imposed by cycling- by increasing concentration and circulation, building endurance and flexibility, and promoting over-all well-being. A Yoga for Cyclists workshop focuses on those areas of the body specific to cycling. You don’t have to be an experienced yogi or yogini to participate- beginners welcome!
Full yoga practice targeting areas of the body needing strength and recovery from cycling. Participate or observe. Please bring a mat if you are able. (We will have some available as well.)
Join Ruchama for her Heart of India tour and yoga retreat this winter!

Ask a Pro Bike Mechanic Anything
Sunday Oct. 30th, 1:30 PM
Exhibit Hall Demo Area, Booth 1900
Presented by Marzhel Pinto, Pro Mechanic
Save up all your burning maintenance and mechanical questions for the Philly Bike Expo. Pro mechanic, Marzhel Pinto will be there to answer them all.

Basic Bike Maintenance for Kids 8 – 80
Sunday Oct. 30th, 12:00 PM
Kids Arena, Exhibit Hall E behind 3700 booths
Presented by Marzhel Pinto, Pro Mechanic
Keeping your children safe on their bicycles is the goal of any parent, and we’ll have experienced mechanics on hand to go over the basics of kids bike maintenance. Whereas for many serious cyclists the aim of maintenance is higher performance, for kids it’s all about setting the stage for a fun, safe and enjoyable ride that will make them into lifelong cyclists. By using a few simple tools that you probably already own, our mechanics will show you how to perform a quick five minute safety check before each and every ride. We will also cover fixing a flat, lubing chains and other mid-ride trouble shooting.

Tinkering for Tots
Saturday Oct. 29th, 1:30 PM
Kids Arena, Exhibit Hall E behind 3700 booths
Presented by Marzhel Pinto, Pro Mechanic
Start ‘em young! This demo is for the youngest cyclist and will go over the components of the bicycle, bike tool introduction, pre-ride safety check, when/how to adjust the saddle and more!

Ride with CyclingSavvy to Keystone Bike
Saturday Oct. 29th, Roll at 7:00pm.
Please join Cycling Savvy Instructors John Allen, Tim Cherry and Pamela Murray as we ride to the Keystone Bike Party Saturday night.
Meet at the Convention Center. Rolling out at 7 sharp so we can get to the party at 7:30.
Party Pace Ride about 5 miles
Come ride with us!
Questions – email or Instagram

Ride to the Philly Bike Expo w/Keswick Cycle
Saturday Oct. 29th, 9:00AM
Leaving from Keswick Cycle’s Glenside Shop (408 North Easton Road Glenside, PA)
Special Guest Ian Boswell!
First 10 people to RSVP will get to try out the new @wahoofitnessofficial Roam V2 with the route preloaded. We will also have 5 wahoo bolts if you would rather try them. It’ll be a gravel ride from the Glenside shop connecting to the Wiss, Belmont, then a couple other trails in the city ending at the expo. In total the route will be 25.5 miles and 1300 feet of climbing. Aiming to have the pace between 13-15 mph. 38 mm tires or larger recommended. #keswickcycle #gravelride #groupride

PBE Squad Saturday Stroll
Saturday Oct. 29th, Meet at 7:45am, roll at 8:00am.
Leaving from the Schuylkill Banks Pergola (aka the Trellis)
Join the PBE Squad for a relaxed morning ride on the SRT. There will be a midway coffee stop at the Tricycle Shop before heading back into the city and arriving at the Expo.
25 miles. Route

Saturday Oct. 29th, Meet at 8:30, leave at 9:00.
Bring your Brompton Folder to Philadelphia’s majestic 30th Street Station for an party-paced pedal around central Philadelphia.
MEET UP + HANG OUT 8:30. ROLL OUT 9 A.M. Sharp. The plan: wind up at the Philly Bike Expo right about opening time. *FIRST SEVEN BROMPTON RIDERS* get a free ticket to the Philly Bike Expo. Every Bromptoneer gets free, secure valet Brompton parking inside the PA Convention Center w/Expo admission. (Um yes, this is a Brompton-only event–thx for yr understanding!)
Hosted by Trophy Bikes PHL.

Ride to PBE22
Saturday Oct. 29th, Meet at 7:30, leave at 7:45.
Leaving from the Ellen Phillips Samuel Memorial
Location: — On Kelly Drive, just south of the West Girard Avenue bridge.
A fun ride for everyone. Bring whatever bike you have. Just a toodle around to see the sights and take a few pictures.
16 miles, taking in Fairmount Park, the Art Museum, Seaport Museum, Betsy Ross house, Independence Hall. We’ll end at the Convention center in time to park your bike as PBE22 opens.
Bring a helmet. And water as always. Bring (or buy) a Bicycle Benefits sticker, and register for an autographed copy of Bicycling Street Smarts, CyclingSavvy Edition by John Allen.
Brought to you by American Bicycling Education Association. Visit us at Expo Booth 3510.

Coffee Outside: Philly Bike Expo Edition
Sunday Oct. 30th, 8:30 AM
Lemon Hill, Fairmount Park at the covered pavilion. (Easily rideable from most parts of Philadelphia and ample car parking for out of towners!)
BYO caffeinated beverage (or decaf – we don’t check) or perhaps a fun treat to share with some new friends.
Casual, group ride to the Expo at 10:30.

PBE Squad Mixed Terrain Ride
Sunday Oct. 30th, 7:15 AM
7:15 meetup
7:30 roll
Meet at the Art Museum Steps
Special guest! Wahoo Fitness Sponsored Athlete, Ian Boswell

Gravel with Mark and the PBE Squad on Sunday morning! 20ish miles. Road, dirt, gravel… we’ll do a bit of everything around the city! We’ll roll into Belmont Plateau for singletrack and smooth trails, before going to the SRT and connecting to the Wissahickon Trails, on Forbidden Drive and back into the heart of the city to the Philly Bike Expo finish! Bike with tires over 32mm recommended. Don’t forget to set your alarm, you don’t want to miss this! Check out the events schedule on our website for route and photos/videos from last year’s ride! #phillybikeexpo #pbe2022