Click here to download the printable seminar and demo schedule.
Try to Tri: How to transition from cyclist to triathlete
Sunday Oct. 28th, 10:30 AM, Room 125
Presented by John Kenny, Isabella de la Houssaye, Ed Chang and Paul Daniels

Are Your Insides on Fire? How athletes can reduce inflammation so they train better, recover faster and age gracefully
Sunday Oct. 28th, 3:00 PM, Room 125
Presented by Joanna K Chodorowska, BA, NC, TPTH, METS, CSG
Nutrition therapy coaching
Framebuilders: trend setters or followers? Do what the market does or hold a line in the sand
Saturday Oct. 27th, 4:30 PM, Room 123
Moderated by Drew Guldalian, Engin Cycles. Panelists: Alec White, White Industries and Bryan Hollingsworth, Royal H Cycles, Joe Roggenbuck, Cobra Frames, Joe Breeze, Breezer Bikes and Peter Olivetti, Olivetti Bicycles

How to stuff your stuff into your stuff: a bike packing presentation by @ultraromance; Hillary Washburn, Ortlieb USA; and Martina Brimmer, Swift Industries
Sunday Oct. 28th, 1:30 PM, Room 124

Bike Co-ops and their role in the community
Saturday Oct. 27th, 10:30 AM, Room 125
Presented by:
Alex Harris – Youth Program Instructor & Mechanic, Neighborhood Bike Works, Philadelphia, PA
Eugene Cain – Shop Manager & Adult Programs Instructor, Neighborhood Bike Works, Philadelphia, PA
Laura Wilburn – Executive Director, Urban Bike Project, Wilmington, DE
Matthew Mendez – Program Director, The Common Wheel, Lancaster, PA
Norman Lazarus – Volunteer, Neighborhood Bike Works, Philadelphia, PA
Throughout the United States, bicycle co-ops help their local community. Offering programs for youth that include bicycle repair, job training and leadership training in safe space. As well as giving adults a place to learn how to make their own repairs through adult repair classes and DIY workshops. In this seminar you will learn about what coops offer, how they operate, and their role & impact within the the community.

The Year of Cycling Dangerously: Africa from top to tip in 1938. The remarkable ride of Douglas Carr of Ingersoll, Ontario
Sunday Oct. 28th, 3:00 PM, Room 124 Canceled
Presented by David Herlihy, author of “The Lost Cyclist”

The Importance and Value of Professional, Hand-built Wheels
Saturday Oct. 27th, 12:00 PM, Room 123
Presented by Bill Mould, Spokes Etc. Bicycles
Presentation by Bill Mould, internationally respected wheel builder and author who has combined a deep understanding of physics and engineering in the design and building of over 5,000 bicycle wheels of every conceivable type.
Bill will explain how a typical bike shop and their customers can enhance their ride experience by offering custom wheels designed specifically for the rider’s intended use. Included will be some important tips about wheel building that are not commonly understood but that can make a big difference in the strength, durability and resilience of wheels. Not only does a rider feel the difference on every ride, but a good set of wheels built for your application will last for years! Seminar sponsored by Velocity USA.

The Integrated Bicycle
Sunday Oct. 28th, 10:30 AM, Room 124
Presented by Johnny Coast, Coast Cycles; Brian Chapman, Chapman Cycles and Mitch Pryor, MAP Bicycles

The Business Of Cycling Culture In The Urban Space
Saturday Oct. 27th, 3:00 PM, Room 124
Through the lens of messenger culture the panel will discuss the cycling
business in urban spaces. Bicycle messengers have play a role in cycling
product innovation, influencer marketing, pop culture, urban cycling as a lifestyle and are a cultural movement on to itself. Participants will learn from three brands and a veteran bicycle messenger about the growing cycling business in urban cities.
Moderator: Kurt Boone Messenger 841 Project
Jeff Scully, President Ortlieb Waterproof USA
Daryl Slater, Brand Manager, Kryponite Locks
JC Ramirez, Marketing, Cyclone Bicycle Supply
Kevin Bolger, Founder Cyclehawk Inc

Secrets to riding tandem almost 200,000 miles
Saturday Oct. 27th, 3:00 PM, Room 123
Presented by Barbara and Mel Kornbluh, Tandems East and Evelyn Hill Cycling

How a Professional Mechanic Can Help You
Saturday Oct. 27th, 1:30 PM, Room 125
Presented by – James Stanfill, President – Professional Bicycle Mechanics Association

History of Fat City Cycles
Saturday Oct. 27th, 4:30 PM, Room 125
Presented by Chris Chance, Fat Chance Bikes
Come hear Chris Chance tell stories about the early days of Fat City Cycles and beyond. He’ll share some pictures and anecdotes from his beginnings as a framebuilder back in the mid 70’s through the Fat City years beginning in 1982. Hear about the Fat Attacks in the mid-80’s, development of the different models, and what’s up now with Fat Chance Bikes. We’d love to see you there!

Saddle Pressure and Pelvic support
Saturday Oct. 27th, 3:00 PM, Room 125
Presented by Isaac Denham, Befitting Bicycles
Isaac Denham (owner of Befitting Bicycles, formerly the director of Fit Service for Bike Line) will discuss using real time pressure readings to assess and correct support issues at the pelvis as well as help with saddle selection. Isaac will also address different saddle uses and shapes as they relate to support and discuss what saddle options may work best for you based on your desired type of riding.

Advocate Training: Becoming a Champion for Cyclists in Your Neighborhood & Region
Sunday Oct. 28th, 1:30 PM, Room 125
Presented by: Brenda Hernandez-Torres and Randy LoBasso, Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia

Bicycle Collecting: thoughts and perspectives with a vignette of the origins of the Cinelli brand
Sunday Oct. 28th, 12:00 PM, Room 125
Presented by Steven Maasland

Bicycle Crafting – balancing the tried and trued with new trends. A discussion with bike builder Steve Potts
Saturday Oct. 27th, 1:30 PM, Room 124
Steve Potts has been called one of the best bicycle frame builders of the past 35 years. In fact, Steve is the only one of the original mountain bike pioneering Repack group of the late 1970s who still builds his own framesets. His refinement of steel and titanium tubing is legendary. Steve himself is a product of Marin County, California, birthplace of the modern mountain bike and the epicenter for innovation for over 30 years. Today, Steve crafts his signature road, cyclocross and mountain frames from grade-select titanium in his meticulous shop in Petaluma, California.

Yoga for Cyclists
Saturday Oct. 27th and Sunday Oct. 28th, 1:30 PM, Room 123
Presented by Ruchama Bilenky, Certified Yoga Instructor and Therapist

E-bikes and Other Emerging Technologies: A Look at the Disruption That’s Headed for Alternative Transportation
Saturday Oct. 27th, 12:00 PM, Room 124
Panel moderated by: Leonard Bonarek, Regional Planner, Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia
Panelists: Paul Basken: DC trail commuter and freelance writer, Jake Lee of Walk/Bike Nashville, Kimberley Bezak of Narberth Cycling Club, Enrico Frisón – Engineer, Wilier Triestina, Meenal Raval – Co-owner, Philly Electric Wheels

Keep your life – how to train for your weekend bike racer alter ego
Sunday Oct. 28th, 12:00 PM, Room 124
Presented by Selene Yeager, Fit Chick at Bicycling

Know Your Cycling Rights
Saturday Oct. 27th, 4:30 PM, Room 124
Presented by Bike Law PA attorney Joseph Piscitello, Piscitello Law, Arley Kemmerer and Rachel Rubino
Arley Kemmerer joined Piscitello Law, P.C. and serves Of Counsel on cycling matters as of August 2018. Despite a full-time legal career and racing schedule, Arley finds time to promote the sport. She has participated in numerous cycling and legal workshops/clinics, interviews and podcasts to advocate for women in cycling and to promote best practices in safety. Her extensive experience as an attorney and as a competitive pro cyclist makes her an invaluable asset to the firm and cycling community. Read more about her cycling and legal career here:
Rachel Rubino is a bicycle mechanic and manager at Bicycle Therapy. Rachel is often a speaker at cycling workshops and clinics for regional bike clubs in the Philadelphia, Lambertville, New Jersey and Washington D.C. Attorney Joe Piscitello often turns to Rachel for technical issues concerning road and cyclocross bikes. Piscitello Law is grateful to have Rachel join our team as both a colleague and technical expert. More about Rachel here:

Connecting the Circuit in Delaware County: Darby Creek Trail, Chester Creek Trail, East Coast Greenway and More
Saturday Oct. 27th, 10:30 AM, Room 124
Presented by the Bicycle Coalition of Greater Philadelphia

The Comeback: Greg LeMond, the True King of American Cycling, and a Legendary Tour de France
Saturday Oct. 27th, 12 PM, Room 125
Presented by Daniel de Visé
Daniel de Visé is an author and journalist. A graduate of Wesleyan and Northwestern universities, he has worked at the The Washington Post, the Miami Herald and three other newspapers in a 23-year career. He shared a 2001 Pulitzer Prize and garnered more than two dozen other national and regional journalism awards. His investigative reporting twice (see here and here) led to the release of wrongly convicted men from life terms in prison. His first book, I Forgot To Remember, published in 2014 from Simon & Schuster; it began as a front-page article de Visé wrote for the Washington Post about his co-author, Su Meck. His second book, Andy & Don, also from Simon & Schuster, began as a journalistic exploration into the storied career of his late brother-in-law, Don Knotts. The Comeback, his third book, drew inspiration from a childhood immersed in Chicago’s bicycle-racing subculture. Daniel is married to Sophie Yarborough, a senior editor at The Washington Post. They and their children live in Maryland.

Saturday Oct. 27th and Sunday Oct. 28th, 12PM, Exhibit Hall E Demo Area
Presented by Trophy Bikes. A grimly funny and informative anti-bike-theft workshop and Krypto Kwizzo at the end for a chance to win a Kryptonite lock!

Wheel building
Saturday Oct. 27th and Sunday Oct. 28th, 10:30 AM, Exhibit Hall E Demo Area
Presented by Jessica Brousseau from
Sponsored by Velocity USA

Live Pinstriping
Saturday, October 27th and Sunday, October 28th, all day.
Location: Exhibit Hall E
Presented by Eric Baar, Ground Up Designs
Indoor Test Track
Saturday, October 27th and Sunday, October 28th, all day
Location: Exhibit Hall E
Helmets provided by Bern Unlimited

Bike Fitting Demo
Saturday Oct. 27th and Sunday Oct. 28th, 1:30 PM, Exhibit Hall E Demo Area
Presented by Happy Freedman, Bike Fitting Specialist, HSS Department of Rehabilitation, Prosthetics & Orthotics
Happy Freedman is passionate about bicycling and creating a synergy between the cycling and medical communities, advancing the science and art of bike fit, to help riders of all abilities to achieve their performance goals. He has been instrumental in developing the first multi-disciplinary hospital-based state-of-the-art Bike Fit program of its kind, here at HSS, where he has worked in a range of capacities for over ten years. He works in close cooperation with physical therapists and investigators in the motion lab, and the new bike fit program will advance performance, clinical bike fit evaluations, and research.
Happy has presented on bike fit at the International Cycle Fit Symposium in London and numerous events throughout the US. He is a founding faculty member of the Medicine of Cycling Conference held annually at USA Cycling in Colorado Springs, where he presents both on Bike Fit as well as on Medical Emergencies in Cycling. He is on the advisory committee of IBFI, the International Bike Fit Institute, and formerly faculty at the Bike Fit school, established by Ben Serotta. He is an experienced cycling coach, including over ten years for the Columbia University D1 Cycling Team, as well as having been a certified coach and official for the United States Cycling Federation.
Happy focuses on fitting the cyclist, not the bike, to address the individual needs of the rider, and collaborates with staff in Performance Services to develop an evidence-based protocol for bike fitting.

Expo Dyno p/b The Philadelphia Dynamo Headlight Society
Saturday, October 27th, 2018 at 7:30PM
Art Museum Steps
Join the Philadelphia Dynamo Headlight Society on a casual nighttime road and gravel ride. 25 miles, no-drop, All bikes with dynamo lighting are welcome!
Bike Expo W/T/F Ride
Saturday October 27th, 7:30AM
Bicycle Therapy
2211 South St, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19146
Team Laser Cats and friends will be leading a w/t/f ride this Saturday the 27th, to celebrate the heck out of our community, our city, and the Philly Bike Expo! Meet up at Bicycle Therapy at 7:30am, roll out at 8; roughly 1hr 15min (give or take!) on mixed terrain (but nothing a big road tire couldn’t handle). Come as you are/no drop/run what ya brung/we can’t wait to wake up and #shredthepatriarchy with y’all! 💞

Philly Bump! Hosted by 26” Lifestyle and Trophy Bikes
SUN. Oct. 28, 8:45 a.m. SHARP at Trophy Bikes, 712 N. 2nd St.
We will test out our bike-handling and sense of humor on some of Philly’s most historic (and battered) streets. Bring your favorite chunky-tired bike (plus tools + patch kit) and BE PREPARED for bricks, staircases, cobbles, Belgium block, granite block, gravel, mud and ancient railroad tracks. FREE, includes an optional toast in an alley along the way. THERE WILL BE A PERFECTLY FRIENDLY FOOT-DOWN DERBY. Ride ends at PHILLY BIKE EXPO just about opening bell; FREE ADMISSION for FIRST 50 RIDERS at the start.
• RSVP please to with BUMP in the subject line!
Brompton Breakfast Roll hosted by Trophy Bikes
SAT. Oct. 27, 8:45 a.m. Meets at central info booth, AMTRAK 30th St. Station, 30th & Market Streets, PHL.
This Brompton-only ride will go up, over, under and around some of Philadelphia’s most interesting old and new streets before winding up at the PHILLY BIKE EXPO just in time for doors open. ALSO: Every BROMPTONEER gets a FREE EXPO ticket.
•Please RSVP to with “Brompton Roll” in the subject line. Note: BROMPTON folder bikes ONLY, please.

BCYC Cross Ride to Philly Bike Expo
Sunday, October 28, 2018 at 9:00 AM
Belmont Plateau Cross Country Course
Army Road, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19131
Facebook event link:
The Youth Advisory Committee OF Bicycle Coalition Youth Cycling would like to invite you to ride with us to the 2018 Philly Bike Expo. The Philly Bike Expo will be on October 27th & 28th. Join us on a casual paced 15-20 mile tour of our favorite trails and gravel roads in Philly. Cyclocross bikes recommended, MTB’s or thick tire road bikes will do fine.
8:30am – BCYC Youth and Coaches meet to get bikes.
9:00am – Public Arrives. Introductions. Review Route
9:15am – Roll Out. Belmont Fire Road. MLK Drive. Forbidden. Boxer Trail. Sedgeley Porter House? Convention Center.
11:30am – Arrive at Convention Center – Thanks and Shout Outs