Sunday March 9th, 1:30 PM
Seminar room: 124 (Atrium Level)
Presented by George Yarnell, Bicycle Club of Philadelphia
Putting “Safety First!” when cycling should be a matter of habit for all cyclists. This seminar highlights some of the important and basic things we can each do to cycle more safely. Through presentations and demonstrations from several long-time cyclists, we’ll look at conspicuity (The art of being seen by motorists and other cyclists), basic safe cycling behavior when alone and in groups, and safe cycling equipment. This is a good seminar for novice cyclists and a nice refresher for experienced cyclists. Those who love you will want you to put safety first when cycling.
Cycling with a group of people can be fun and enjoyable, but it’s a little different from cycling alone. A group of trained and experienced ride leaders from the Bicycle Club of Philadelphia will highlight some of the most important aspects of riding with a group, including safety and riding etiquette, planning a group ride, leading a group ride, and how and where to find or publicize group rides.