I’m a big fan of printed page, whether it’s books, magazines or newspapers. Maybe it’s because of the way I grew I up- my parent’s home was lined with sagging bookshelves. My dad subscribed to multiple magazines and newspapers. I’m thinking that the newer generations who’ll never know of a time without digital media, will wonder what all the fuss was about. Books are heavy and cumbersome! What about all the trees? Etc, etc. But I can’t help feeling there’s something about the sensation of fingers turning pages, something about the satisfying thump of book covers closing, or the rustle of a newspaper, or the exciting sight of a shiny new issue of a magazine in the mailbox. I do know definitively that whenever I have to memorize something, whether it’s song lyrics or information for a test, being able to visualize the text in unchanging placement is very important. Dirt Rag/Bicycle Times are sister publications of Rotating Mass Media, founded in Pittsburgh in 1989. Dirt Rag/Bicycle Times has been a sponsor of the Philly Bike Expo since our very beginnings and we’re proud to have them back again. They started out when actual physical magazines with USPS delivery or newsstand purchase was the only way to go, and they’re still here on the web, as an app, but also by subscription and in bike shops.- a testament not only to their strength and perseverance in a changing world but also to the loyalty of their readership and supporters. We live in a time where the combined arts of writing and editing seem to be becoming quaint relics. I mean, how many people are out there that still know that the word “rag” is a colloquialism for “magazine” referencing old paper-making processes?
I sent in my questions to DR/BT, in the manner I usually do, not sure who would answer, and got these responses from Maurice Tierney, self-identified as “Big Cheese” at Rotating Mass Media.
What (if anything) did you do before coming to Rotating Mass Media?
MT Professional photographer and ambulance-chaser, school bus driver, ice cream man.
Could you provide some thoughts/insights into the world of online vs print publishing?
MT Don’t get me started. We’ve always worked really hard to make the magazines, but I have to say, everything used to be so easy! The internet is fine but every time you turn around there’s a new business model to follow.
What’s your favorite part of your job?
MT Being a part of the greatest team ever. And all the people who have touched my life in one way or another through 30 years of doing what we do.
What’s your favorite ride/route/destination?
MT Whatever’s in my backyard at the moment. But the Whole Enchilada ride in Moab is the ONE.
“Love, all alike, no season knows, nor clime, nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.” John Donne, 1572-1631