In a sense, all outdoor gear is, in some way, designed to help you relax. And while that gear might use space-age materials and modern engineering to meet ever-increasing demands for reliability and performance, it’s all in the service of helping you relax. Quiver Fabrications, a titanium smoking accessories company based out of Denver, wants to bring a level of design and engineering into something that’s always been part of outdoor recreation, but often overlooked.
For a number of years, titanium alloys have been on the bleeding edge of performance and reliability for things like bikes, camping gear and climbing equipment. It makes sense: it’s light, corrosion-proof and resilient. And if titanium is good enough for the spork you’re packing, the folks at Quiver Fabrications believe it’s good enough for any pipes you’re bringing along as well.
“We are outdoor enthusiasts that enjoy the send. We decided to mix our love for the outdoors with our passion for fine flowers and herbs,” says Kelly Rossberg owner of Quiver Fabrications. “We took our manufacturing experience and applied that towards making a high end product that was durable enough for our lifestyle!”
Quiver’s premier offering is the The Summit, the first-ever full-titanium water pipe that’s “adventure ready and quite the ripper.” Quiver Fabrications promises that it’s classic flask design offers “clean, flavorful hits.” Offset drill holes in the downstem ensure simple filtration and a smooth interior means the smoke clears perfectly every time and never tastes stale. The included heatband also makes it easy to secure it to just about anything with your favorite carabiner — whether that’s on pack for more involved adventures or just to the back of your saddle for day trips.
“For us the work Quiver represents the collection of gear each piece for a specific purpose or circumstance. Like a Quiver of arrows,” says Rossberg. “This has become standard verbiage in the outdoor industry when describing a piece of gear’s place and purpose — and for us, it was a perfect fit.”
In addition to the The Summit, Quiver also offers the aptly-named Safety Meeting pipe, as well as number of bowls and concentrate nails to compliment The Summit. All of Quiver Fabrication’s products are made from Grade 1 titanium — the purest commercially-available form of titanium, touting the highest corrosion and impact resistance. Because of this, all of Quiver’s products come with a limited lifetime warranty. All you have to do, is relax.