Product Review by PBE Squad member, Ello Shertzer
Hey all, Ello here with a review for Goodr shades! I have a few pairs of Goodrs in different models (I have Wrap Gs, Circle Gs, and OGs) and I’m a huge fan!
I got my first pair of Wrap Gs last summer at Paper Trail’s Wednesday night Gravel Espresso ride when I won a joke contest (no, I will not tell the joke here). My purple (“Look ma, no hands!”) Wrap Gs are great on sunny days and provide full coverage needed for riding in gnatty conditions, as I often do especially in the springtime around here. I’m prone to eye issues so it’s super important for me to make sure no foreign objects get in my eyes while I’m riding, and so far my Goodr shades have been super protective!

I got a pair of Extreme Dumpster Diving Wrap Gs when I joined the PBE Squad and let me tell you, I am obsessed with them! The lenses make everything look so magical! They cast a warm, shimmery pink hue over everything and colors are super vibrant. When I take them off, the world looks cold and sad. I know that’s a little emo sounding but it’s true. You’ll have to get a pair in order to experience them. They are absolutely perfect for cloudy days and I love to wear them when I go mountain biking in the woods.

In June I completed the PA Rando Jim Thorpe 600k brevet, which was a two day event. The first day called for clouds (and a surprise thunderstorm) and I chose to wear the pink glasses, which were perfect for the conditions. Even when the sun came out, they still provided the shade my eyes needed. The second day was bright and sunny, so I wore the purple ones. I was so glad that I had both options to choose from!

These Wrap Gs of mine aren’t my first experience with Goodr, however. I was introduced to them a few years ago by word of mouth from a few friends, as I had been looking for a pair of shades that I could wear while riding that wouldn’t slip off my nose but that also wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. I got a pair of Circle Gs called Gardening with a Kraken, and they are really flattering on anyone’s face. Their lenses also provide wide contrast and deep colors and they’re really fun to wear. At some point within a year of buying them one of the arms broke and I contacted the company to see if I could get them repaired or replaced under warranty. Customer service was great, they were quick to respond, and after sending a picture of the issue I was sent a new pair right away!
I can’t recommend Goodr shades enough! They provide great eye protection, fit, color options, lenses, customer service, and they are excellent for activities like cycling!