“Altruism is the act of putting other people’s well-being before your own. I believe it’s what defines us as human. Also, frame building is a very selfless art form, as the artist can never enjoy the end product by riding it” Gabriel Lang, (PSBMX 2016) https://psbmx.com/2016/07/22/interview-with-altruiste-bikes-owner-gabriel-lang-builder-the-party-master-frame-from-the-rise/ )
I’m an ol’ believer in peace, love, and understanding, so I couldn’t help but feel a little tug at the heartstrings for the confluence of art, idealism, long hair and Canada embodied in the person of frame builder Gabriel Lang, I was going to ask how he came up with that most noble, (and, sadly often maligned in some circles) character trait as his brand. But I found the answer in a 2016 interview (quoted above). A number of my potential questions were already answered in that interview. A visit to altruistebikes.com serves up additional insights into the joyful, grateful soul off this award-winning frame builder. I still had a few more questions- you’ll find his answers below:
PBE When did you know you wanted to be a frame builder?
GL I knew I wanted to be a frame builder when my bike drawings started making sense, somewhere around the fifth grade. I realized it was going to be my trade after two years of political science in college. I’ve been taking steps to be a better frame builder ever since.
PBE How did you choose your location or did it choose you?
GL After learning my trade in Quebec, we chose to move back to eastern Canada, close to where I grew up. Being in a smaller province offers more opportunity for an alternative business such as Altruiste, especially with social media and online sales. Also, the sea is great to get the creative juices flowing!
PBE What’s your favorite part of the frame building process?
GL The whole process behind building a frame is quite satisfying. From conception to delivery. But I love the meditative aspect of welding.
PBE Where do you find inspiration?
GL I like simple, streamlined designs. The bicycle is a simple machine and I’m inspired by any form of art, architecture, or assemblage that applies to my quest for minimalism.