Saturday March 8th, 1:30 PM
Seminar room: 123 (Atrium Level)
Armin Samii, dashcam.bike
Riders in Pittsburgh have reported thousands of bicycling hazards to 311, including cars parked in bike lanes, near-misses, close-calls, and dangerous road conditions. Riders record video footage of their entire commute using dashcam.bike, and when they’re safely at their destination, they can label all the hazards they encountered and rapidly submit video evidence to the city’s non-emergency 311 line.
This advocacy has sparked meaningful change. Learn how Pittsburgh has used 311 data to harden bike lanes with concrete, create automated enforcement for bike lane parking, and redesign dangerous intersections. We’ll discuss the successes and limitations of 311 reporting, and what it takes to bring dashcam.bike’s hazard reporting system to your city.