One of the best known bike lock brands in the business, Kryptonite brought some new offerings in the folding locks range, including its first high security folding lock, the Evolution 790S, and previewed a Keeper Mini folding lock which will hit the stores in the coming few months.
Also, we were particularly interested in Kryptonite’s new product line of Incite lights, which are part of an emerging movement toward intelligent bike lights. In the world of bike-light tech, lumens have been traditionally used in the USA to sell a lot of lights. More lumens is often regarded as better. According to Kryptonite’s Ron Faverty, we should be focusing more on what European manufacturers have been doing, which focuses on Lux which represents the volume of lumens per square meter.

People who’ve been blinded by oncoming cyclists with high-lumen lights on bike paths might relate to this. A lux-based light directs the photons where they’re needed on the road, and away from dazzling the eyes of other road users.

The X8 front light contains award-winning lens tech, which keeps the lumens on the road, and the XBR rear light has a built in accelerometer so when you hit the brakes your rear light with glow brighter, like a car’s lights. That’s pretty smart, if you think about it.